Since 2006 AuT pBo - Professional Board & Onlinegaming is active in eSports, mostly on console. For this reason we want to take you on a journey into the history of the club.
In 2009 the Console State Championship - KSM (State Championship of Console Players) took place for the first time and AuT pBo "Kevin Trau" Grotz and AuT pBo "Rainer Paul" Ahriman crowned themselves Austrian State Champion in the game Halo Wars in 2on2 mode. After the state championship they also achieve the 1st place in the Halo Wars world ranking list and therefore become world famous especially in the strategy area in the game Halo Wars.
But also in the other disciplines of the KSM some AuT pBo players reached a place on the podium. A detailed list of the successes at that time can be found here: